Rule Sets Table
The Rule Sets table contains the loaded business rule sets and rules for a particular context.
The following actions are available on the Rule Sets table
Expands structure to include all rules belonging to the rule sets.
Collapse structure to display only rule sets.
Delete the rule or rule set.
Export List to File
Export the information in the Rule Sets table to a file that can be accessed offline in programs such as Microsoft Excel. You can export this list in CSV, HTML, PDF, TEXT, XLS, XLSX, XLS Report, or XML format.
Once you have selected a format, a window opens, showing the progress of the file. When the export is complete, the file either automatically opens in your browser, or a window appears allowing you to choose whether to open or save the file. This depends on your browser settings.
An administrative user can see the Delete action. However, the ability to delete any rule or rule set is dependent on the ACLs (Access Control Lists) polices defined by the customer. Administrative users that do not have delete permission to the entire set of selected objects, they cannot successfully complete the action.
Delete Permissions
Following administrative users can delete the business rules if they have permission (ACLs policies defined by customer) to the entire set of selected objects:
System Administrator (Site Administrator)
Site, organization, and product/library levels
System Administrator (Organization Administrator)
Organization, and product/library levels
Product Manager
Product level
Library Manager
Library level
Project Manager
Project level
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