Enterprise Administration > Business Administrative Change Promotion > Objects Supported for Business Administrative Change Promotion
Objects Supported for Business Administrative Change Promotion
The following administrative objects are supported for export and import using the Business Administrative Change UI utility and business administrative change promotion command-line utility:
Policy access control rules
Object Initialization Rules (OIR)
Life cycle Templates
Workflow Process Templates
Type Definitions
Measurement Systems
Quantities of Measure
Global Enumerations (includes Modeled Enumerations and Custom UI Text)
Reusable Attributes
Document Template
Report Template
Shared Table View
List-Based Versioning Scheme
Only Business Administrative Change Package Creator and Business Administrative Change Package Importer user groups can export and import Business Administrative Change Packages. Users in these groups must also be authorized to read these objects for export and create or modify the objects for import. After import, the versioning scheme available in the system is replaced with the imported versioning scheme.
For list-based version schemes, the user must be a Site Administrators. After import, the version scheme available in the system is replaced with the imported version scheme consistent with loading the XML Versioning File.
Objects that are not currently supported for export and import can be referenced by the administrative objects listed above. It is assumed that these related objects are available in the target system. For example, if a participant (user, group, or organization) is a member of a profile, that participant would need to be available on the target system for the import of the profile to succeed.
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