Business Administrative Change Promotion Conflicts
Conflicts occur when unexpected situations are encountered during the transfer of administrative changes between source and target systems. The following sections provide information on the conflicts that can occur while importing administrative changes or propagating delete actions on target systems. These sections also provide information on the possible resolutions for a conflict. You can resolve conflicts manually, or from the Event Management utility, or using an XML file.
Conflict Resolution XML Load File
A conflict resolution XML file is a mechanism using which you can specify information for resolution of a collection of potential conflicts that may occur during propagation of delete actions or import of administrative changes. The elements used in a conflict resolution XML load file are as follows:
This is the root element.
Use this element to specify a conflict and its resolution. You can use multiple elements of this type within the root element to specify different types of conflicts and their resolution. ConflictType and Resolution are its subelements.
Specify a valid conflict for Windchill using this element. This is a subelement of BACConflictResolutionPair.
Specify a valid resolution for a specific conflict using this element. This is a subelement of BACConflictResolutionPair.
A BACConflictResolutionPair element can contain only a single instance of ConflictType and Resolution subelements.
The following is an example of a conflict resolution XML Load file:
The subsequent sections on import conflicts and delete conflicts describe the valid constants for different types of conflict and their resolutions that can be used in an XML file.
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