Establish Baseline Command
A baseline should be established for all systems that are exporting to a synchronized system. The createBaseline option is used to establish a baseline. The createBaseline option is only run once on each source system that is exporting to a synchronized target system.
A baseline is not required when exporting to a selective or development system.
The user name of the Windchill user running the command. The user running the command must be a valid Windchill user and a site administrator.
The password of the Windchill user running the command.
Use this option to display help text for the utility. The help text lists full descriptions of each option as well as the syntax for running the utility.
To run the utility in a Windchill shell, specify the following command with the options listed in the table: windchill wt.scm.client.SCMCMD createBaseline -u "<username>" -p "<password>"
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