Service Events
Some service level events are captured by the auditing service. The service events captured are based on Windchill's service event architecture that was designed to manage inter-service communication between independent services. Each service establishes “listeners” to other services' events to be notified of and react to other significant events occurring within the system.
Before the auditing service captures a particular event, the event must be enabled in the auditing configuration file. For more information, see Configuring Audit Event Recording and Attributes Captured with Events.
Service Event
Add Role to Context Team
A role is added to a context team. A context team is established when the context was created and can either be a shared team or a team assigned to only that context.
Add Role to Life Cycle Team
A role is added to a life cycle team.
Add Role to Organization
A role is added to an organization group.
An associate or auto-associate action occurs to create a link between a part and a CAD document.
Change Implementation
A change notice reaches the implementation phase. The event is emitted again each time the change notice completes an implementation phase based on the change implementation plan.
Context Logon
A user accesses an organization context or any of the application contexts in the organization.
Cross Site Request Forgery
A possible cross site request forgery attack. This event is also emitted if a user attempts to complete an action after their session has timed out.
Deadline Change
The due date changed for a Plan Activity, Milestone, or Plan Deliverable.
A disassociate action occurs to remove a link between a part and a CAD document.
The primary or secondary content of an access controlled object is downloaded or a direct download URL is provided.
Viewing representations is not captured with this event.
Edit Group
A user modifies a Windchill group, a user is added or removed from a user-defined group or system group, or a group is added or removed from a user-defined group or system group. The event identifies the specific group change that occurred.
A user successfully accesses the URL to the system and successfully logs in.
A user’s session times out after the user has been inactive for a site defined period (30 minutes by default).
New Discussion
A new discussion is started for a comment or discussion topic.
Not Authorized Access
A user is denied access to an object that the user explicitly tries to access.
This event is not emitted when a user views an information page for a document that the user has Read access to but the user does not have access to the participant that created the document.
PDM Checkout
An object is PDM checked-out through the Add to Project or Copy and then Paste actions, when the PDM Check-out option is chosen in the Add Objects to a Project window. Or, an object is PDM checked-out from a project by using the Convert to PDM Check Out action on an object that is shared to a project.
Preference Change
A preference value is changed
Project Plan Due Date Change (Classic)
A project plan or program's deadline date is changed.
Project Plan Finish Date Change
The finish date for a plan activity, milestone, or plan deliverable is updated.
Project Plan Finish Date Change (Classic)
A project plan or program's finish date is changed.
Project Plan Health Status Change
The health status for a plan activity or milestone is updated.
Project Plan Health Status Change (Classic)
A project plan or program's health status is changed.
Project Plan Owner Change
The owner of a plan activity, milestone, or plan deliverable changes.
Project Plan Owner Change (Classic)
A project plan or program's owner is changed.
Project Plan Percent Complete Change
The percent work complete for a plan activity or milestone is updated.
Project Plan Percent Complete Change (Classic)
The percent complete for a project plan or program is changed.
Project Plan Risk Change
The risk for a plan activity or milestone is updated.
Project Plan State Change (Classic)
The life cycle state changes for a project plan or a program.
A purge operation is performed.
Remove Role from Context Team
A role is removed from a context team. A context team is established when the context was created and can either be a shared team or a team assigned to only that context.
Remove Role from Life Cycle Team
A role is removed from a life cycle team.
Remove Role from Organization
A role is removed from an organization group.
Rollback Iteration
All iterations of an object from the latest iteration to a specified iteration are deleted. The latest remaining iteration becomes the Latest iteration.
A search from the Windchill search application is executed. The event records the search criteria.
Security Label Download Acknowledgement
A user views the download acknowledgement message for a security label value. The event records the security label and security label value applied to the object as well as the message displayed.
Sent To Print
A file that has been sent for printing using Batch Print. The target of the event is the business object to which the file is associated.
User Password Change
A user changes their password using Windchill’s password change portal or an admin changes the user password using the Edit User wizard.
View Properties
A properties page is displayed.
This event is not emitted when reviewing the result set of a search.
View Representations
A representation is downloaded. The target of the event is the object that is the source of the representation.
Workflow Activity State Change
A workflow activity state changes.
Workflow Activity Variable Change
The variable values change for the workflow activity.
Workflow State Change
A workflow process state changes.
Workflow Variable Change
The variable values change for the workflow process.
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