About configAudit XML File
This topic provides information about the auditing configuration file configAudit.xml and its attributes. You can use the information in this topic to audit desirable events in Windchill.
The auditing configuration file determines which events should be recorded for which object types. For example, a checkout event in a WTPart object. The configuration file is delivered with some predefined service events and summary events that can be captured and reported on. Analyze the auditing rules specific to your organization to determine the events that require auditing. When you enable specific events for auditing, the automatic logging of all events to the audit log is prevented, and the size of the audit log is minimized. After adding, changing, or enabling additional events, restart method server for the updates to take effect.
Enabling auditing can adversely affect performance. PTC recommends that only the most significant events are enabled for auditing.
By default, the configAudit.xml file is located at <Windchill>/conf/auditing.
In the configuration file, events are either specified as eventKey or eventType, depending on how they are executed inWindchill.
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