Fundamentals > Managing Your Work > Managing Your Tasks > Tasks Tables > Actions on the Tasks Table in a Product or Library
Actions on the Tasks Table in a Product or Library
The following actions may appear on the Tasks table on the Products > Tasks or Libraries > Tasks page, either as toolbar actions or row-level actions (specific to a particular object):
Take responsibility for the task (row-level action).
If the activity has been classified as Any, other tasks for the same activity would be removed from the inboxes of other assignees. If it is All, the other tasks are not removed. A status indicator displays indicating the task status.
Accept Tasks
Select a set of tasks and accept them in a single action (table-level action).
If the activity has been classified as Any, other tasks for the same activity would be removed from the inboxes of other assignees. If it is All, the other tasks are not removed. A status indicator displays indicating the task status.
Select to place a copy of the work object on the Windchill clipboard temporarily, allowing you to create a copy in a new location using the Paste action.
Decline a previously accepted task (row-level action). The Decline action is the opposite of the Accept action and undoes it. If the Accept action has resulted in an unaccepted task being removed from the Tasks table of other assignees in the role, declining an accepted task recreates the task for those users. The recreation of a task only considers users currently in the role at the time of recreating the task. Declining a task before it has been accepted does not have any effect.
Decline Tasks
Select a set of tasks and decline them in a single action (table-level action). The Decline Tasks action is the opposite of the Accept Tasks action. It undoes the accept action, so if the Accept Tasks action has resulted in unaccepted tasks being removed from the Tasks table of other assignees in the role, declining an accepted task would recreate the tasks for those users. The recreation of tasks only considers users currently in the role at the time of recreating the tasks. Declining a task before it has been accepted does not have any effect.
Row-level action to permanently remove the task from the Windchill database.
Displays the Discussions table.
Download Template
Select to download a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet formatted for creating action items in a single file to be imported into Windchill. For more information, access the online help from the Action Items table.
Row-level action to open the Edit Action Item window, allowing you to change the task attributes.
Edit and Export to Excel
Download a set of action items into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to be edited.
Only the action items for which you have modify privileges will be available.
Edit Deadline
Row-level action to open the Edit Due Date window, allowing you to change the deadline.
Import Action Items
Select to upload action item information from a spreadsheet edited in Microsoft Excel to a project.
New Action Item
Select to create a new action item. For more information, see the help available from the New Action Item window.
Displays the Notebook table
Open Task Assistant
Row-level action to open the Task Assistant, allowing you to insert comments and complete the task.
Row-level action to reassign the task.
Reassign Tasks
Select a set of tasks and reassign them to another user. When you reassign a task the reassigned status indicator will appear before the object name. For more information, see the Reassigning a Task help.
Search Tasks
Searches for work objects.
This action is available only for context managers and administrators.
Row-level action to opens the Subscribe window, allowing you to subscribe to certain events.
View Information
Displays the information page of the object.
Changing the Table View
You can limit the objects that display in the table by selecting an option from the view drop-down list immediately to the right of the table title. For example, one of the views available allows you to view completed tasks. Using this view, you can access tasks completed by you. You can also view tasks completed by other members of the context.
Workflow Task
Part of an automated workflow procedure established by your administrator to efficiently accomplish a business objective.
Change Task
A statement of work established in the implementation plan of a change notice. A change task can be viewed or modified in the context of the change notice.
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