Implicit Parameter-to-Attribute Mapping (SOLIDWORKS)
Implicit mapping occurs when a SOLIDWORKS parameter uses the exact syntax as its Windchill attribute. This makes the parameter publish automatically in SOLIDWORKS.
For example, a CAD document has a set of soft attributes that are published to SOLIDWORKS. From this set, use the soft attribute Name and map it to the NAME of the parameter in SOLIDWORKS. The soft-types that used in this case are:
If Name is the same by a case-sensitive evaluation, the two are implicitly mapped. Other parameters are not be added to the CAD document, unless they are explicitly mapped. For example, in SOLIDWORKS, if the administrator has created a soft attribute with the name, Cost, then the user must also create the soft attribute with the name Cost so it is implicitly mapped. If the SOLIDWORKS user creates COST, it will not be mapped.
If SOLIDWORKS does not support case-sensitive parameter names, the name is treated in all uppercase characters. For example, if SOLIDWORKS treats Cost and COST the same, then Windchill receives and handles this attribute as COST. The Windchill soft attribute name must also be COST.
Although you may create a SOLIDWORKS called Cost, it is passed to Windchill as COST. Therefore, ensure the SOLIDWORKS parameter name is in all uppercase so that it is implicitly mapped in Windchill. Other properties are not added to the CAD document, unless they are explicitly mapped.
If a mapped parameter is inconsistent with its corresponding soft attribute, the following occurs.
If the two are not the same type then a warning is given to the user upon upload; but upload continues. The value is not pushed to the CAD document.
If the quantity of measure is different between the attribute and the parameter, then the CAD document receives an error upon upload. The user is notified to check in the CAD document.
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