NX Part Families Support in Different Versions of Windchill
NX part families are now supported in Windchill. Legacy part families data can be converted to an NX family table. Simply check out the legacy part families to the workspace, and then check them back in. This will convert legacy NX part families into NX family tables (both generics and instances) in Windchill.
The following is a use case example:
In legacyWindchill Workgroup Manager:
1. Windchill has three independent CAD docs, a.prt, b.prt and c.prt. NX has a.prt, which is a generic having instances b.prt and c.prt.
2. There was no existing relationship between these CAD docs in Windchill.
3. Nothing was listed under the Related Objects > Family table on the Details page of CAD doc a.prt.
Current Windchill Workgroup Manager:
1. Add a.prt, b.prt and c.prt to the workspace.
2. Open a.prt in NX and iterate it.
3. Windchill Workgroup Manager for NX will display the part as an NX Family Table (generics and instances) in Windchill.
4. Generic a.prt will list related instances (b.prt and c.prt) under Related Objects > Family Table.
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