Windchill Preferences for Naming and Numbering (CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE)
The following preferences control parameter-driven naming and numbering policy when using Windchill Workgroup Manager. By default, these properties have no value:
AutoAssociate Naming Parameter = <String Parameter>
AutoAssociate Numbering Parameter = <String Parameter>
The Numbering parameter cannot be used with Design table parts that have more than one level of nested instances. If the numbering parameter is used with such parts, upload fails with a valid number uniqueness exception. When the numbering parameter is used with Design table parts that have only one level of instances, values of this parameter need to be different for each instance. You can do this by adding this parameter as a Design table column and providing a different number value for each instance.
Design tables are not supported in this pre-production release.
When set to Yes (default is No), the following properties omit the file extensions from name and number attributes when creating parts using Auto Associate Parts (such as parts or products):
AutoAssociate Drop Name File Extension
AutoAssociate Drop Number File Extension
When set to Yes (the default is No), the following properties omit file extensions from name and number attributes for new CAD documents during upload:
Upload Drop Name File Extension
Upload Drop Number File Extension
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