Mapping User-defined Authoring Application Parameters (AutoCAD)
By default, user-defined CAD parameters are mapped to Windchill attributes with the same name. The administrator defines the ability for authoring applications to access parameters that are mapped to Windchill attributes. Errors and conflicts may occur upon upload if a parameter from a CAD document is trying to be mapped to a soft attribute in Windchill with a type mismatch or constraint violation. Because Windchill attributes are pushed to the CAD document upon download, only attributes that have changed since content upload are modified on check out or download. The user may set changes to user-defined attributes into the authoring application using Update.
AutoCAD User-Defined Parameters
The type of parameter supported on this tab is String. Additionally, Block Attributes are also only strings; therefore Windchill Workgroup Manager for AutoCAD allows mapping to attributes of different types. Windchill Workgroup Manager for AutoCAD also supports mapping of Block attributes that are defined as constant in AutoCAD. These attribute values will be mapped and propagated to Windchill. If the attributes are edited in Windchill, the updated values are not reflected in the AutoCAD drawing model since they are constant in AutoCAD .
If the user has defined a parameter that has a name equivalent to the soft attribute name or AutoCAD mapped name in the CAD document soft-attribute Workgroup Manager CAD document, then the parameter is automatically mapped to the Windchill soft attribute.
If the user has not defined a parameter with the same syntax as the Windchill soft attribute, the parameter information is not exchanged and, therefore, not published.
PTC supports mapping of soft attributes to AutoCAD parameters of types:
As long as the value of the parameter can be populated into the Windchill soft attribute, then values from AutoCAD are pushed to Windchill.
For Strings, there should never be any conflict.
For Boolean, the system accepts either the value of Yes or No in any case, that is: YES, Yes, YEs, YeS, yeS, yES are interpreted to be a valid Yes for the Boolean attributes.
For Integer:
The system accepts pure numbers, e.g. 1
If there is a , or a . character, then the number is not valid.
If there are any characters that are not numbers, then the number is not valid.
For Real Numbers:
The system accepts pure numbers, e.g. 1 to be 1.00.
The system interprets any number with a . or , to be valid. That is: 1.00 or 1,00 are interpreted to be the real number 1.
If there is more than one . or , then the value is invalid.
If the number is in exponential format, it is valid.
That is, 1E+06 is 1000000.00.
The user can write the E character in either upper or lower case, for example, 1e+06 and 1E+06 are both valid and equivalent.
If the user is writing a positive exponential value, then he can use the + sign, or not. Both 1E06 and 1E+06 are valid.
If there are any characters that are not numbers, then the number is not valid.
Hyperlink is not supported. AutoCAD does not support user-defined attributes on uses links.
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