What’s New > Windchill > > End User > Windchill Visualization Services: Support for Displaying Representations from image-associated EPM Documents in Dynamic Part Structure
Windchill Visualization Services: Support for Displaying Representations from image-associated EPM Documents in Dynamic Part Structure
User Interface Location: Not Applicable
Product: Windchill
Provides support for the “Display representations from image associated EPM documents” feature in the context of different assemblies by using the information stored in Windchill database.
Additional Details
In this release, support for the “Display representations from image associated EPM documents” feature using information from Windchill database is provided in dynamic part structure. To enable this support, the edrload.dynamicstructure.representationasfeaturesource property must be set to False, meaning the approach to read the database data will be used to support this feature.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Does this replace existing functionality?
Not Applicable
Preference or property configuration associated with this functionality:
Property edrload.dynamicstructure.representationasfeaturesource must be set to False.
Related Information
For more information about the property, see Windchill Visualization Service Properties.
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