What’s New > Windchill > > End User > Windchill Visualization Services: Support for Locators Created in Skeleton Parts
Windchill Visualization Services: Support for Locators Created in Skeleton Parts
User Interface Location: Locators tab in part structure browser
Product: Windchill
Provides the ability to map the coordinate systems from a skeleton part to locators for use with dynamic positioning. This enables users to maximize the re-use of existing module variants by building on the existing design practices.
Additional Details
In this release, support is provided to expose the coordinate systems of skeleton parts to Windchill for mapping to the locators on configurable modules. When publishing the representation in Windchill, Creo View Adapter converts the coordinate systems information present on the skeleton parts that are first—level children of a module variant assembly. The coordinate systems information created in the skeleton parts is then exposed to Windchill when publishing the representation and is visible when viewing module variants in the Locators tab.
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Does this replace existing functionality?
Not Applicable
Preference or property configuration associated with this functionality:
Not Applicable
Related Information
For more information about Locator Editor, see Managing Locator Definitions in Locators Tab.
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