Automatically Relating Drawings to Parts
By default, a drawing that is derived from an Owner-associated 3D model/CAD document is listed in the CAD/Dynamic Documents report on the Related Objects tab of a Windchill part’s information page. In other words, the drawing is auto-related to the part.
You can use the Windchill preference: Operation > Auto Associate > Auto Relate Drawings To Parts to specify that in addition, a drawing derived from a CAD document “with a lower-level association” (except Content) can also be auto-related. The available values for this preference are as follows.
Preference Value
Owner Only (default)
Only drawings of CAD Documents with an Owner association are automatically related to the part.
Owner and Images
Drawings of CAD documents that participate in part structure (Owner, Contributing Image, and Image) are automatically related to their parts.
All Contributing Models
Any model that contributes information to the part has its drawing automatically related to the same part (Owner, Contributing Image, Image, Contributing Content, and Custom).
All Models
All models that are related to a part have their drawings automatically related to the same part (that is, models with Owner, Contributing Image, Image, Contributing Content, Custom, and Content associations).
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