Using QuickView for Visualization in MPMLink
The QuickView feature enables you to visualize large structures quickly and effectively. You can generate, load, and interact with high-quality thumbnails for parts, resources, and their subtypes in various MPMLink browsers as listed below. For more information on QuickView, see Visualizing Large Structures with QuickView.
Supported Browsers
BOM Transformer
Service Associative Part Structure Browser (SAPSB)
Process Plan Browser (PPB)
PPB tree picker visualization
PPB for allocated parts and operated on parts
Manufacturing Resource Browser (MRB)
MRB tree for resources
MRB tree picker for parts and resources
QuickView Preferences
To load thumbnail in the Visualization tab, set the user-level preference related to your browser to Yes. The user-level preferences for different browsers are available under Preference Management > Visualization > Dynamic Structure > QuickView.
Enable BOM Transformer Browser/SAPSB to load in QuickView
Enable Manufacturing Resource Browser to load in QuickView
Enable Process Plan Browser to load in QuickView
QuickView Actions
Once theQuickViewpreferences are set toYes, and you loadQuickViewor load theVisualizationtab, theQuickViewthumbnails are automatically loaded for the displayed structure. To expand, collapse or generate the QuickView thumbnails, you the following actions available under the QuickView right-click menu:
Expand QuickView to Next level: Unloads QuickView thumbnail and expands complete structure of the selected node till the next QuickView thumbnail node.
Expand QuickView to Full Details: Unloads QuickView thumbnail and expands complete structure of the selected node till the end (last leaf node).
Collapse to QuickView: Unloads representation of complete structure, and loads QuickView thumbnail if available.
Generate QuickView: Creates a QuickView thumbnail.
For generating the QuickView thumbnails, the system uses the current navigation criteria that are applied to the tree structure.
Key Points
In PPB, you can use the Generate QuickView action to generate the QuickView thumbnail only for the allocated parts.
After you make changes in a structure, the system unloads or removes the QuickView thumbnails depending on the changes. For example, while using the BOM Transformation actions or working with filters, the system unloads the QuickView thumbnails to expand the structure. In such cases, you can refresh the Visualization tab or reload the structure to load the QuickView thumbnails.
In the BOM Transformer, it is recommended not to use the QuickView column.
You cannot view the model items (annotations) when QuickView is loaded.
The system does not support the Load Quickview for nodes having filtered structure preference for MPMLink browsers.
To view more limitations related to QuickView, see the Limitations section in the Visualizing Large Structures with QuickView topic.
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