Funzionalità aggiuntive > Manufacturing Process Management > Working with Process Plans and Standard Procedures > About the Resolve Orphan Objects Action in the Process Plan Browser
About the Resolve Orphan Objects Action in the Process Plan Browser
Use the Resolve Orphan Objects action in the process plan browser to resolve the orphan objects. Orphan objects cause inconsistencies in the process plan structure. Because of this, it is important to resolve orphan objects.
Examples of orphan objects are as follows:
Raw materials
Secondary parts of co-produce objects
Co-produce usages
You can allocate a part or raw material to an operation in a process plan. The allocated part or raw material becomes an orphan object when its iteration is replaced, removed, or its related assembly is removed.
In the BOM Transformer, you can replace a raw material with another raw material by using the Replace Made From or Mass Update Manufacturing Objects actions. In the case of the Replace Made From action, the raw material is orphaned only if the property com.ptc.windchill.mpml.PropagateMPMOperationToPartLinksOnReplace is set to false. This property is present in the file located at Windchill/codebase/com/ptc/windchill/mpml/xconfs.
You can use the Resolve Orphan Objects action in usage level and occurrence level process plans.
Consider the following use cases:
Use case 1: Remove the Orphan Raw Material Object
1. In the BOM Transformer, allocate a raw material RM1 to Part1.
2. In the process plan browser, allocate the same raw material RM1 to an operation OP1. The operation OP1 is placed under a process plan ProcessPlan1.
3. In the BOM Transformer, remove RM1, placed under Part1.
As a result, the raw material RM1, which was allocated to the operation OP1 in the process plan ProcessPlan1 in the process plan browser, becomes an orphan object.
4. In the process plan browser, select operationOP1.
5. Right-click and select Editing > Resolve Orphan Objects.
The raw material RM1 is removed from the operation OP1.
Use case 2: Remove the Orphan Part Object
1. Part 1 is present in the BOM Transformer.
2. In the process plan browser, allocate the same Part1 to an operation OP1. The operation OP1 is placed under a process plan ProcessPlan1.
3. In the BOM Transformer, remove Part1.
As a result, Part1, which was allocated to the operation OP1 in the process plan ProcessPlan1 in the process plan browser, becomes an orphan object.
4. In the process plan browser, select operationOP1.
5. Right-click and select Editing > Resolve Orphan Objects.
Part Part 1 is removed from the operation OP1.
Use case 3: Replace the Raw Material Object
1. In the BOM Transformer, allocate a raw material RM1 to part Part1.
2. In the process plan browser, allocate the same raw material, RM1, to an operation OP1. The operation OP1 is placed under a process plan ProcessPlan1.
3. In the BOM Transformer, as per the business requirement, replace RM1, allocated to Part1 with the raw material RM2. Use the Mass Update Manufacturing Objects action to do the replacement.
As a result, the raw material RM1 added to the operation OP1 becomes an orphan object.
Due to this change, the operation OP1 is checked out.
4. In the process plan browser, select operation OP1.
5. Right-click and select Editing > Resolve Orphan Objects.
The raw material RM1 under the operation OP1 is replaced with the raw material RM2.
Use case 4: A Related Assembly is Removed
1. In the BOM Transformer, part Part 1 and raw material RM1 are present under an assembly Assembly1 .
2. Create a process plan ProcessPlan1.
3. Relate the assembly Assembly1 to the process plan ProcessPlan1.
4. In the process plan browser, add two operations OP1 and OP2 under ProcessPlan1.
5. In the process plan browser, allocate Part 1 to the operation OP1, and raw material RM1 to the operation OP2.
6. In the process plan browser, select the Related tab and remove the related assembly Assembly1.
As a result, Part 1 allocated to the operation OP1 and the raw material RM1 allocated to operation OP2 become orphan objects.
7. In the process plan browser, right-click ProcessPlan1 and select Editing > Resolve Orphan Objects.
Part 1 is removed from the operation OP1.
The raw material RM1 is removed from the operation OP1.
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