MPMLink Filters
A filter enables you to display only the parts of a collection or structure that is of interest to you. For example, if you have a large part structure, you can apply a filter to display only the latest version of each part in the structure. Or, using Set Path Filter you can display only the sub-assemblies that you are currently working on. The filter properties action launches the Current Filter window that displays the filters currently applied to a collection or structure in expandable sections. Filter information is also displayed at the top of BOM Transformer, and in various tooltips. The filter criteria are considered only if the Consider Applied Filters For APSB Actions preference is set to Yes.
You cannot edit filters from the Filter Properties window. For more information about editing filters, see Editing Filters.
The filter properties action is available from multiple locations in Windchill. The filters displayed in the Filter Properties window depend on the collection or structure from which you launch the action.
Editing Windchill MPMLink filters can be done in multiple ways. Depending on the context in which the filter is being edited, different filtering options are available.
The current filter values are displayed in the BOM Transformer toolbar as shown below:
Available Actions in the Filter List of BOM Transformer
Edit Filter
Defines a new part structure filter. For more information, see Editing a Windchill MPMLink Structure Filter.
Apply Path Filter
Applies a new path filter using paths to the parts selected in the part structure tree. Any currently applied path filter is removed when the new path filter is applied.
Add to Applied Path Filter
Adds the selected path to an existing path filter. The selected nodes are added to the path filter and the structure is refreshed reflecting the addition to the filter. This action is available only when a node is selected in the tree and a path filter is currently applied.
Edit Path Filter
Opens the Edit Path Filter dialog box providing the ability to modify the currently applied path filter with the following actions:
Enable: Enables the selected path in the path filter, so that it is actively used to filter the structure.
Disable: Disables the selected path in the path filter, so that it remains in the path filter but is not actively used to filter the structure.
Remove: Removes the selected paths from the path filter.
Reset: Resets the path filter to its initial state when the Edit Path Filter dialog box was initially opened.
Disable Path Filter
Disables all paths in the currently applied path filter, so that none of the paths are actively used to filter the part structure.
ECN Filter
The ECN Filter actions are useful to view the complete structure when you trim a structure in BOM transformer based on change notice or change task number.
Selection Filter
The Selection Filter actions enable you to view the complete structure when you have opened a trimmed structure in BOM transformer by the parent context.
Current Filter
Select to see a summary of the structure filters currently applied to the part structure. Click this icon to display the Current Filter dialog box with a full description of applied filters.
Saved Filters
Select to view the menu for saved filters or variant specifications. You can also search for a saved filter or a variant specification matching the information in the text box. This menu displays saved filters, actions for the saved filters, up to three recently used variant specifications, and actions for variant specifications.
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