Viewing Equivalent Links
Use the Equivalent Parts tab to display and modify the equivalent part information of the part selected in the tree structure. The equivalent part tab links a part listed in the upstream BOM, with the downstream BOM part. For example, it links a design eBOM part with the mBOM part used in the manufacturing BOM.
This link is between two part iterations. A part can have multiple equivalent links. The following link tables appear on this tab:
Downstream Equivalent Objects:
Appears when a part is selected in the navigation pane. The table displays the mBOM part that has been created for the selected eBOM part.
Latest Non-Linked Iteration of Downstream Equivalent Objects Matching the Filter:
Displays any iteration of the downstream part that has been created for the selected upstream part but is not linked to the upstream part.
Upstream Equivalent Objects:
Appears when a part is selected in the navigation pane. The table displays the eBOM part from which the selected mBOM part was originally created.
Latest Non-Linked Iteration of Upstream Equivalent Objects Matching the Filter:
Displays any iteration of the upstream part that has been created for the selected downstream part but is not linked to the upstream part.
If a part is linked to another part that has a more recent iteration, the equivalent link is out of date and is not displayed in the equivalent parts table. To locate these parts, see Finding Equivalence Links.
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