Managing Equivalent Occurrence Links
Equivalent occurrence links can be managed using the Associative Part Structure browsers. Equivalent occurrence links show the occurrence path between a part from an upstream BOM that has been used, or consumed, as an equivalent part in a downstream BOM. For more information about equivalent occurrence links, see Equivalent Occurrences.
To display equivalent occurrences in the structure table, click Viewing > View Equivalent Occurrence Status. When equivalent occurrences are not actively being managed, this action can be toggled off to optimize performance. By default, this action is toggled off. denotes the toggle status. This action is disabled when the Enable Equivalent Occurrences and Allow Positioning for Analysis of Equivalent Occurrences preferences are set to No.
By default, the toggle status of the View Equivalent Occurrence Status action is reset when an associative part structure browser is reloaded. Enable the com.ptc.windchill.baseserver.rememberOccModeAndEqOccStatus property to retain the toggle status.
Equivalent occurrence status is displayed in the following columns:
Downstream Equivalent Consumption Status — appears in the upstream structure tree
Upstream Equivalent Consumption Status — appears in the downstream structure tree
The following icons indicate a node’s equivalent occurrence status.
Equivalent occurrence exists
Equivalent occurrence does not exist
Equivalent occurrence is reused from upstream assembly
Equivalent occurrence information has not been retrieved
Equivalent occurrence exists but the link is unresolved.
If View Equivalent Occurrence Status is toggled off, or if the browser is in usage mode ( Show Occurrences is toggled off), then the columns do not update; however the last retrieved status for each node remains. The Show Equivalent Consumption Status of All Objects in the Structure preference can be set at the Site level to display the equivalent occurrence status for all objects in the structure. When set to No, only the equivalent occurrence status of leaf objects and sub-assembly objects that are reused between the upstream and downstream structures are displayed in the Equivalent Consumption Status columns.
Use the following actions to manage equivalent occurrences in the structure tables.
Select Equivalent Occurrences on Other Side
Upstream and downstream tool bars > Tools
Select Parts With No Equivalent Occurrences
Upstream and downstream tool bars > Tools
Update Equivalent Occurrence Status
Downstream tool bar > Viewing menu
When building the downstream structure, if an upstream part has already been consumed in the downstream structure, a warning displays stating that an equivalent occurrence already exists but provides an option to complete the action. Set the Prevent Over Consumption of Occurrences Downstream preference to disable the option to create another equivalent occurrence.
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