Deleting an Entry
To delete an entry from the value list, use the following procedure:
1. Open the enumeration information page in the edit mode.
2. Select the required entry from the Available for selection list or the Removed from selection list, and click the Delete Entry icon .
The Delete Entry action deletes the custom entries. When you try to delete a customized out-of-the-box entry, the customizations made to the entry are removed, and the entry is reset to the original out-of-the-box value.
3. Click Yes to confirm the delete action.
The entry is removed from the Available for selection list and Removed from selection list.
4. Click Done to save the changes to the enumeration, and return to view mode. Click Save to save the changes to the enumeration, but remain in edit mode.
If an entry is already in use within the system, do not delete it. Instead, remove the entry from the selectable values for the enumeration by moving it from the Available for selection list to the Removed from selection list.
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