Breadcrumbs Based on the URL
This example shows how to create breadcrumbs based on the URL path of a given page. The canHandle() method of the CarambolaBreadCrumbDelegate used in this example checks if the URL path contains certain strings. If the URL contains “componentCatalog”, “carambola”, “apiDocs” or “jsapi”, the method will return true. Its generator class then returns a breadcrumb array depending on the contents of the URL. For example, if the URL contains “carambola” and “breadCrumb”, the “Component Catalog” and “Bread Crumb Component” crumbs will be added.
Location of Example
To navigate to this example in the product go to Customization > Component Catalog > Bread Crumb > Bread Crumb Component based on the URL.
The Component Catalog is not enabled in the Windchill UI by default. For instructions on enabling the Component Catalog, see Enable Customization Utilities.
Actions for this Example
Action Models for this Example
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