Moving an Attribute to a Parent Node
The Move attribute to parent action enables you to move a non-inherited attribute from a node to its immediate parent.
This action cannot be performed on an attribute that is inherited.
To move an attribute to a parent node:
1. From the information page of a node on the Attributes tab, select Edit from the Actions menu to enter edit mode.
2. Right-click a non-inherited attribute and select
Move attribute to parent 
A message appears prompting you to confirm that you want to move the attribute to the parent node
| If an attribute with the same name exists on another child node, a message appears and you are prompted to confirm whether you want to continue. If you select OK, the attribute with the same name is overridden with the new attribute. If you select, Cancel, the action is not performed. |
3. Select OK to move the attribute to its immediate parent and have it inherited by all sibling nodes.
Select Cancel.
If you selected
OK, the attribute is moved to the parent node. Also, the
Inherited icon

is displayed in the inheritance column of the attribute on the selected child. All applied constraints on the selected attribute are moved with the attribute, and all other child nodes under the immediate parent inherit the selected attribute.
| If the attribute that moved to the parent is already present on any of the other child nodes, the default values and constraints are overwritten. If the default values and constraints are not present, then they are added. |