Upload Received Delivery Files
The upload received delivery files action

allows you to add ZIP files received from another
Windchill system to a received delivery on your
Windchill system. If a received delivery does not exist, one will be created when the first received ZIP file is uploaded. Only
Windchill package importable formatted ZIP files can be used by received deliveries.
1. Select the upload received delivery files icon

from the
Received Delivery Management table.
The Upload Received Delivery Files window opens.
2. Add ZIP files to upload to the Received Delivery Files table using one of the following actions. Multiple ZIP files can be added to the table. Each ZIP file appears on a new row in the table.
Icon | Action | Description |
| Attach new local file | Add a ZIP file from your local system by browsing to the saved location of the file. |
| Attach new external storage | Add a ZIP file from a location that is accessible from the Windchill server. Specify the path to the file and enter the file name in the Label or File Name field. | If the ZIP files you receive are large, upload speed can be improved by saving the ZIP files on the Windchill server and selecting this option. |
| Drag and Drop | Depending on your configuration, you can add a ZIP file by dragging and dropping the file using this action. For more information, see About Drag-and-Drop. |
| Remove Selected Objects | Removes a ZIP file from the table. |
| When the receive delivery ZIP file contains a static manifest file that you would like to review prior to importing the data, it is recommended to upload only one ZIP file. Uploading only one file allows you to review the manifest. |
3. Click OK.
The specified ZIP files are evaluated. Any ZIP files not conforming to Windchill package delivery ZIP file expectations are rejected. All appropriately formatted ZIP files are uploaded to a received delivery that corresponds to the originating delivery on the sending system. If a received delivery does not already exist for the delivery, one is created using the object initialization rules established for the object type.