CAD Document Templates
(Windchill PDMLink only) Displays the CAD document templates that are available from the context. To create a new CAD document template, click the new CAD document template icon. For more information, see Creating a CAD Document Template. For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the Templates table when this view is selected, see the CAD document templates table information. |
Change Object Templates
To create a new change object template, click the new change object template icon. For more information, see Creating a Change Notice Template. For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the Templates table when this view is selected, see the Change Object Templates Table Information. |
Document Templates
(Arbortext Content Manager or Windchill PDMLink only) Displays the document templates that are available from the context. The display shows only the latest iteration of the latest version of a document template. To create a new document template, click the new template icon . For more information, see Creating a Document Template. For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the Templates table when this view is selected, see the document templates table information. |
Dynamic Document Templates
(Arbortext Content Manager or Windchill PDMLink only) Displays the document templates that are available from the context. To create a new document template, click the new template icon . For more information, see Managing Dynamic Document Templates. |
Information Structure Templates
(Arbortext Content Manager or Windchill Service Information Manager only) Displays the information structure templates that are available from the context. For more information, see Service Structure Templates.
Library Templates
Displays library templates when viewing the Templates table from an organization or site context. When only Windchill ProjectLink is installed, this view is not available. To create a new library template, click the new template icon . For more information, see Creating a Context Template. To import a library template, click the import template icon . For more information, see Importing a Context Template. For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the Templates table when this view is selected, see the context templates table information. |
Life Cycle Templates
Displays the life cycle templates that are available from the context. This view is available from all contexts except the project and program contexts.
For more information, see About the Life Cycle Template Administration Utility.
Note Templates
Displays the note templates that are available from the context. This view is available in the Site, Organization, Product, and Library contexts. To create a new note template, click the new template icon . For more information, see Creating a Note Template. For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the Templates table when this view is selected, see the note templates table information. |
Organization Templates
(Arbortext Content Manager or Windchill PDMLink only) Displays the organization templates that are available from the site context. This view is only available from Site . To create a new organization template, click the new template icon . For more information, see Creating a Context Template. For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the Templates table when this view is selected, see the context templates table information. |
Plan Templates
Displays plan templates when viewing the Templates table from an organization or site context. These templates can be created from project, program, and product plans.
When the Yes, you can add a plan to a product context. You can use this template to define the default plan activities.
> preference is set to For more information, see Plan Templates and Creating a Product Plan.
Product Templates
Displays product templates when viewing the Templates table from an organization or site context. When only Windchill ProjectLink is installed, this view is not available. To create a new product template, click the new template icon. For more information, see Creating a Context Template. To import a product template, click the import template icon. For more information, see Importing a Context Template. For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the Templates table when this view is selected, see the context templates table information. |
Program Templates
Displays the program templates that are available from the context. This view is available from only the organization and site contexts when Windchill ProjectLink is installed. To create a new program template, click the new template icon . For more information, see Creating a Context Template. To import a program template, click the import template icon . For more information, see Importing a Context Template. For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the Templates table when this view is selected, see the context templates table information. |
Project Templates
Displays the project templates that are available from the context. This view is available from only the organization and site contexts when Windchill ProjectLink is installed. To create a new project template, click the new template icon . For more information, see Creating a Context Template. To import a project template, click the import template icon . For more information, see Importing a Context Template. For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the Templates table when this view is selected, see the context templates table information. |
Publication Structure Templates
(Arbortext Content Manager or Windchill Service Information Manager only) Displays the publication structure templates that are available from the context. For more information, see Service Structure Templates.
Report Templates
Displays the report templates that are available from the context. To create a new report template, click the administer report templates icon. The Report Management window opens. For more information, see Managing Report Templates. |
Task Form Templates
(Arbortext Content Manager or Windchill PDMLink only) Displays task form templates that are available from the context. This view is available from all contexts except the project and program contexts. Task form templates are used within workflow templates. For more information on creating and using task form templates, see the Workflow Template Administration help.
For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the Templates table when this view is selected, see the task form table information.
Team Templates
Displays the team templates that are available from the context. This view is not available from Windchill ProjectLink. To create a new team template, click the new team template icon . The New Team Template window opens. For more information, see Team Template Administration. For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the table when this view is selected, see Team Templates Window. |
Workflow Templates
(Arbortext Content Manager or Windchill PDMLink only) Displays the current workflow templates that are available from the context. This view is available from all contexts except the project and program contexts.
For more information, see About Workflow Administration.
Audit Templates
Displays the audit templates that are available from the Templates context menu. To create a new audit template, click the new audit template icon. The New Audit Template window opens.
For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the audit template, seeAudit Template Table Information.
UDI Templates
Displays the UDI templates that are available from the Templates context menu. To create a new FDA UDI submission, click the New FDA UDI Submission Template icon. To create a new UDI super set, click the New UDI Template icon. For more information on the available actions and about what appears on the UDI templates, see UDI Templates Table Information.