Use Case 2: Generate a Downstream Structure Based on the Part Usage Attribute
Consider that the following structure is present in the BOM Transformer:
• An equivalent link exists between Upstream Parent Part (Design) and Downstream Parent Part (Manufacturing).
• All the parts in the structure have the part type as wt.part.WTPart.
1. Access the file located in Windchill/codebase/com/ptc/core/foundation/associativity.
2. Add the following restructuring rules:
Property name="com.ptc.windchill.associativity.reconciliation.addusage.wt.part.WTPartUsageLink" multivalued="," default=""/>
<AddToProperty name="com.ptc.windchill.associativity.reconciliation.addusage.wt.part.WTPartUsageLink" value="targetType=wt.part.WTPart"/>
<AddToProperty name="com.ptc.windchill.associativity.reconciliation.addusage.wt.part.WTPartUsageLink" value="transformoption=newPart"/>
<AddToProperty name="com.ptc.windchill.associativity.reconciliation.addusage.wt.part.WTPartUsageLink" value="attributeMapping.rule1=AttributeNum1:10:AttributeNum2:10"/>
In case of properties that involve mapping, the mapping attributes specified for upstream and downstream must not be the same.
| After you initiate the  action on the selected part in the upstream, the Windchill system traverses the structure below the selected part. This configuration ensures that : • If the Windchill system detects a part with the part usage attribute AttributeNum1 set to 10, then the detected part is added in the downstream as a new part, under the part whose part type is wt.part.WTPart and the part usage attribute AttributeNum2 value is set to 10. |
3. Select the
Upstream Parent Part (Design) and click

in the middle pane tool bar.
4. The following structure appears in the BOM Transformer:
| Part C1 (Manufacturing) and Part C2 (Manufacturing) are added as new parts under Part T1 (Manufacturing). This is because, Part T1 (Manufacturing) satisfies the criteria set in the properties. |