Registering a New File Server with the Main Site
Once you have installed a new File Server, you must register it new File Server with the main site.
You cannot register a File Server until the installation is complete and the File Server is accessible by the main site. Other unregistered File Servers can also be listed in the table. You determine whether you want to install and register them or not.
1. In the
File Servers table, click the registration icon

2. Complete the following fields on the Register File Server page and then click OK:
Field | Description |
File Server Name | The name of the File Server. |
File Server URL | The gateway URL of the File Server. |
Host | The internal name of the host where the Windchill method servers are running. |
Root Folder Path | A valid root folder path under which the folders of the File Server vault resides. The root folder path is the path for the storage location on the host (under which folders are created automatically as required) where the content is stored. |
The main site system does the following:
• Creates the site and the supporting objects.
• Sends the configuration to the newly created File Server.
• Validates the mounts.
If the validation is successful, an OK message appears along with a summary. The system sends a notification about the event to the Windchill site manager.
If an error occurs, a message appears to notify you of the error. You can modify the storage location that failed validation and then try again.
| A hybrid configuration where main is SSL and replica is not SSL is not supported. |
Command Line Tool for File Server Registration
The File Server Registration tool automates the steps to register multiple File Servers with the Windchill main site. You can register multiple File Servers at one go with an input file in .properties or .txt format.
• Main and File Server sites are up and running.
• Root folder path must exist on the host machine, and it should be empty (i.e., not mounted to any other vault).
• Accepted input file formats are .properties and .txt.
To register a File Server, run the following command from the windchill shell:
windchill register [-u <userName>][-p <password>]
You can find a list of possible command line options by running the following command:
windchill register --help
Following is a list of valid arguments:
• --userName=<adminid> — User ID of the administrator user.
• --password=<adminpassword> — Password of the administrator user.
• --fileServerName=<site name> — File Server name.
• --fileServerURL=<UTL> — File Server URL.
• --hostName=<host name> — Host name of File Server.
• --rootFolderPath=<mount path> — Root folder path for a cache vault on File Server.
• --propertiesFilePath=<file path> — Path to the input properties file.
| For Windows, use double-slash in the rootFolderPath. For example, C:\\MServers\\MarlinR269\\Windchill\\vaults\\cache. |
Properties file path can be used to register multiple File Servers simultaneously. The format of the properties file is:
FS_CONTAINER_NAME is an optional input, if not specified, the File Server will be registered at site level. Example of an input format is, wt.inf.container.OrgContainer=Demo Organization or wt.pdmlink.PDMLinkProduct=GOLF_CART.
In the above input file format, the numbers — 1, 2, 3, etc. represent a particular site.
After running the utility, the summary displays the following status:
• Successful — Name of the sites successfully registered.
• Failed — Name of the sites failed to register.
• Skipped — Name of the sites skipped as they were successfully registered in previous run.
You can run the FileServerRegistrationTool multiple times with same input file.