Uploading Documents from a Compressed File
The quickest method to create multiple documents and folders in Windchill at once is to upload files contained in a compressed folder (ZIP or JAR).
Upload Documents from Compressed File action provides an easy way to store legacy files as documents in
Windchill and to upload a structure of files and folders previously
downloaded from
For example, if you have a set of documents that you want to store in Windchill, you can organize them into folders, save them in a compressed file, and upload them all at once while retaining the folder structure you have created. Windchill compares the filenames to existing documents and creates a new document for each file that does not match an existing document. If a match is found, the file is either duplicated or a new iteration of the document is created.
• The Upload Documents from Compressed File action applies only to primary content. Secondary content (attachments) cannot be uploaded from a compressed file.
• Some features for creating documents in Windchill, such as a life cycle template and organization identifier, are not supported using this action. For an alternative method, see Creating Multiple Documents.
• Uploading files larger than 100 MB can affect server performance. For more information on uploading large amounts of data to Windchill, see Overview of Load Utilities.
1. From the Folder Contents table, select > > .
2. In the Upload Documents from Compressed File window, click Browse to select the JAR or ZIP file to be uploaded.
3. From the Type drop-down menu, select the type of documents you are adding. This is applied to each new document. The options available are specific to your site.
4. Specify the remaining document attributes in the following fields:
Checkin Comments
This comment appears in the Version History table for the applicable iteration of each document uploaded.
Enter a brief description to be applied to each document.
Autoselect Folder—Accept the folder location of the document according to the object initialization rules for the context. Select Folder—Navigate to a new folder location for the documents. Click the folder location icon ![](../../Windchill_Help_Center/images/IconLocationSet.gif) to browse to a new folder. |
5. Select from the following options to be applied to all uploaded files:
◦ Use folder names—Retain the folder names and structure from the compressed file. If any folders in the compressed file do not exist, they are created. Otherwise, folders are ignored and only document files are uploaded into Windchill.
This includes the top-level folder (the JAR or ZIP folder containing the files).
◦ Keep checked out after checkin—Lock each document for editing after you have created it.
6. Under Existing Document Behavior, select the following options to be applied to uploaded documents whose filenames match existing Windchill documents:
◦ Make no changes to existing documents—Create a new document for everything in the compressed file, whether or not it already exists in Windchill. If an identical document exists, the file is uploaded as a duplicate document with the same name but a different object identifier.
◦ Iterate existing documents, if access permits—Create a new iteration of each document in the compressed file that already exists in Windchill.
For example, if you upload Document A.pdf when “Document A” (version A.1) exists in the same Windchill folder, then the primary content file of the Windchill document is replaced with Document A.pdf and “Document A” is iterated to version A.2.
7. If your site has defined additional properties for a document, a Define Details step appears for new documents created from the compressed file. You can accept the default or specify a new value.
8. Click OK to upload the files as Windchill documents.