Possible values
This is the name of the parameter or property in the CAD tool
This is the string used to identify the related object
• docMaster
• associatedPart
• relatedECN
• promote
This is the logical name or internal name of the attribute in Windchill for the related object
• soft type attributes on CAD Document Master
• Part Attributes
◦ soft type attribute on the related Part of type Boolean, Date, Integer, Real, Real with Units or String
◦ lifeCycleState
◦ name
◦ number
◦ orgid
◦ view.identity
◦ partType
• For related ECN
◦ number
◦ orgid
◦ resolutionDate
• For promote
◦ number
◦ orgid
◦ approvers
◦ approveDates
◦ reviewers
◦ reviewDates
For soft-type attributes, values sent to the CAD tool are the display values as seen on the object’s Information page. Display values use Attribute Handling preferences and Type and Attribute Management settings but do not support complex display customizations using data utilities for rendering.
• If you configure the system to use a custom delegate, then the attributes defined in the server-side preference, > are not used. Only the PTC delegate checks that preference.
• The customized parameters are provided to the client upon download and are not updated in the CAD application session after a Windchill operation such as check in. For example, if a customized parameter is assigned the value of the CAD document number, its value is provided to the client upon download. If the CAD document is later renumbered, the value in the authoring application session or the client cache is not automatically updated. The Windchill service delegate mechanism is used to allow the customization.