What’s New > Windchill Workgroup Manager > > Control the Default Location of Parts Created by Auto Associate
Control the Default Location of Parts Created by Auto Associate
Product: Windchill Workgroup Manager
Enables you to use the CAD document’s check-in location as the source of Part’s OIR during auto associate action.
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Currently the parts created with Auto Associate always use the workspace's context to apply OIRs while creating the part even if the part is created on check in and stored in a different context. This is due to the Operation > Auto Associate > Store New Parts with CAD Documents set to Yes. There is a need to better handle the part creation when it is to be checked into the same context as the CAD Document and not the workspace's Context. Now when setting the preference Store New Parts with CAD Documents to Yes, the CAD document’s check in location and soft-type will choose the Part’s OIR during auto associate.
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