What’s New > Windchill > > Windchill Quality Management Solutions > Manually Loading the Regulatory Master Preferences
Manually Loading the Regulatory Master Preferences
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Windchill now provides the ability to use and edit regulatory master preferences from the Preference Management utility. To see these preferences in the Preference Management utility, manually load the preferences from the RegMstrPreferences.xml file located in WT_HOME/loadFiles/regmstr. If this manual step is not performed, Windchill system operates according to the default preference values.
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To load the regulatory master preferences manually in your system, complete the following steps:
1. Open a Windchill shell and execute the following command:
windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile -d $WT_HOME/loadFiles/regmstr/RegMstrPreferences.xml -u wcadmin -p wcadmin.
2. Log in to your Windchill system and navigate to <Your context> > Utilities > Business Administration > Preference Management. The Regulatory Master preference is displayed. You can expand it to see the child preferences.
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