Action Customization > MVC Components > MVC Components Overview > MVC > MVC Builders > Migrating Builder Registration Configurations
Migrating Builder Registration Configurations
Windchill has historically permitted more than one method for registering MVC builders, with a single specific method documented as the recommended method, based on the implications of these methods. For more information, see Registering Builders (Legacy Method).
To enable deployment of custom builders using the CCD process, a single configuration method for registering builders is standardized for Windchill+. This method is aligned with CCD. For more information, see Registering Builders.
A migrator is provided for converting your legacy builder registrations to this new method.
Preparing for Migration
The migrator supports migrating from the recommended legacy method only. Before running the migrator, ensure the following points:
Your existing configurations are implemented as per the recommended method. If not, you must first convert the configurations to the recommended method.
Builders are registered using the <mvc:builder-scan/> element only.
Only a single <mvc:builder-scan base-package> entry exists.
All builders or builder classes are defined in a single base package.
Only a single config/mvc/custom.xml file exists in the customization package (CCD) under resources. For information on the folder structure for customization, see CCD Package Structure.
Bean declarations for builder registration or other unsupported custom tags do not exist.
Migrating the Configuration
To migrate the configuration for the base package, run the following command in the Windchill shell:
windchill com.ptc.mvc.schema.BuilderScanPropertyMigrator <customizationRootDirectory>
-h or -help: Displays the help for the BuilderScanPropertyMigrator command.
Verification and Troubleshooting
A backup of the custom.xml file is created in <WT_HOME>/tmp. The backup file is named as custom.xml<timestamp>. <timestamp> is the date and time when the backup file was created. For example: custom.xml202404111712850099678.
The location of the backup folder is displayed in the command line for reference.
A log file is generated in the Windchill/logs folder. The logs include details about the progress of migration and errors encountered, if any.
Verification After Migration
On successful migration, verify the following points:
The file contains the property
The name of the migrated base package is set as the value of the property
To facilitate this verification, the backup file is retained after successful migration.