Action Customization > Configurable Links > Configurable Link Tables > Installing or Enabling OOTB Configurable Links using CCD Utility Example
Installing or Enabling OOTB Configurable Links using CCD Utility Example
Modular Structure for OOTB Link Deployment
├── configurations
│ ├── deploy.xml
│ ├── loadFiles
│ │ └── custom
│ │ └── loadFileSet.xml
│ └── xconf
│ └──
To install or enable OOTB Configurable Links using CCD utility, follow these steps:
Create a modular structure for Windchill+.
1. Add the following configuration in the file to load the OOTB example artifacts:
<ConfigurationRef xlink:href="../../codebase/com/ptc/windchill/enterprise/ConfigurableLinkExamples.xconf"/>
2. Load the ConfigurableLinkExamples.xml file. Create or update the file at <customizationRootDirectory>/configurations/loadFiles/custom/loadFileSet.xml directory and add the following entry:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE loadFileList SYSTEM "/wt/load/windchillLoad.dtd">
<loadFile filename="configurableLinks/ConfigurableLinkExamples.xml" />
Make sure that the following entry is added in the configurations/deploy.xml file to load the loadfileset:
3. Add the following property to the file to make the Configurable Links available in Part Structure Browser (PSB):
<Property name="com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.part.psb.showConfigurableLinksTab" value="true" targetFile="codebase/"/>
4. To control the display of the Configurable Links tables in the Configurable Links tab, use the following properties for each of the Configurable Link types:
ReferenceLink: com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.part.showReferenceLinksTable
DescribeLink: com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.part.showDescribeLinksTable
RevisionLink: com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.part.showRevisionLinksTable
MasterLink: com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.part.showMasterLinksTable
For example, add the following property to the file:
<Property name="com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.part.showReferenceLinksTable" value="All" targetFile="codebase/"/>
<Property name="com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.part.showDescribeLinksTable" value="All" targetFile="codebase/"/>
<Property name="com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.part.showRevisionLinksTable" value="All" targetFile="codebase/"/>
<Property name="com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.part.showMasterLinksTable" value="All" targetFile="codebase/"/>
Deploying Customization on Development Environment
To deploy customization on development environment using CCD utility, see Deploy Your Customizations on Your Development Environment.
Preparing CCD Package for Promotion
To prepare CCD package for promotion, see common CCD deployment process in Package Structure for Customization Artifacts.