How to Find an Attribute Name/Id
When creating an AttributeConfig or a describeProperty tag you must specify the name/id of the attribute.
When creating an attribute configuration in your java code you must specify the id of the attribute.
For Typed and TypeManaged objects, the id should be the Internal Name shown for the attribute in the Type and Attribute Management utility. For other objects, names can be found in the following sources. When using these reports you must type in a fully qualified type name, including the full package – for example, “wt.part.WTPart.”
Logical Attributes Report
This can be viewed by navigating to Customization -> Tools -> Logical Attributes Report.
For TypeManaged classes, this report includes:
1. Alias attributes defined in LogicalAttributes.xml file(s). (Note: This is no longer a recommended practice.Use the Type and Attribute Management utility to define alias attributes instead..)
2. Hard (annotated)attributes, unless overridden by the above.
3. Attributes defined in the Type and Attribute Management utility, unless overridden by an alias attribute.
For non-TypeManaged classes, this report includes:
1. Alias attributes defined in LogicalAttributes.xml file(s)
2. Hard (annotated attributes), unless overridden by an alias attribute.
Use the Logical Form of the name from this file as the attribute id in AttributeConfigs and describeProperty tags.Note that not all attributes listed can be used in the UI. A data utility that has the ability to create a gui component for the attribute must be available before it can be displayed.
Available Attributes Report
This can be viewed by navigating to Customization -> Tools -> Available Attributes Report.
This report lists the attributes that can be included in table views.Any attribute in this list could be included in an attribute panel using the name in the JCA ID column.
Property Report
This can be viewed by navigating to Customization -> Tools -> Property Report.
This is a composite report that includes the hard attributes of a type, the logical attributes listed in the Logical Attribute Report, and the table view attributes listed in the Available Attributes Report. You can click on each attribute to display additional information about it, including the data utility registered for it, if any.Note that the DefaultDataUtility will handle many attributes for which there is not a specific data utility listed.
Not all the attributes in this report are viewable in an attribute panel.In particular, Calculated attributes cannot typically be used in the UI.