Adding an Action to an OOTB Action Model
1. Create the action model customization XML file, if it is not already created. For more information, see Creating the Action Model Customization File.
You can define customizations for multiple OOTB action models in the same file.
2. Add an entry for the action with the following details.
Action name: The name of the new action must be unique within the list of actions or submodel for the given model. You can use the action model report to look at the existing list for this action model. For more information, see Action Model Reports.
Position of the action: Attributes to specify the position of your custom action. For more information, see Positioning Attributes for Actions or Submodels.
Other attributes for the action as defined in Defining a New Custom Action.
3. Register the custom action and custom action model, if not already registered. For more information, see Registering Custom Action and Custom Action Model.
For complete solution element and modular structure, see Adding Custom Action.
Sample Code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE actionmodels SYSTEM "customActionmodels.dtd">
<!-- OOTB action model -->
<model name="psbDescribedByDocsToolBar" incremental="">
<action name="partAddDescribedByDoc" type="psb"
insertBeforeObjectType="psb" />
<action name="partCreateDescribedByDoc"
insertAfterObjectType="psb" type="psb" />