Localizing Actions and Action Models
Locale-specific strings required for action definitions and action model definitions are managed in Java resource files.
If you want to modify existing properties or add new entries to existing Java resource files, refer Text Tailoring Utility for more information.
If you want to use a resourcebundle for custom actions and custom action models, use a Java resource file.
Localize Actions
Possible Values
object type name
Corresponds to the name value for objecttype in the actions.xml file.
action name
Corresponds to the name value for action in the actions.xml file.
title—Localizable text for the title bar if the action appears in an action window.
description—Localizable text for the label of the action.
tooltip—Localizable text shown when hovering over the action.
icon: An image file, relative to codebase/netmarkets/images
moreurlinfo: Parameters used to size the window for this actions
hotkey: The alphanumeric key to trigger this action.
The actual value for the entry is specified using the RBEntry annotation as shown:
String constant="objectTypeName.ActionName.purpose"
Icon and tooltip are shown here in the toolbar and also in the menus. Note that icons for actions in the menus are only displayed for actions that also display in the toolbar:
Icon and description:
You can also specify a resourceBundle property on the <objecttype> element. If an <action> element does not specify a resourceBundle property, the resourceBundle property specified on the <objecttype> element for that action is used.
Localize Action Models
Some action models need a display label (for example, third-level navigation action models or menu bar action models). You can specify the Java resource file to use on your action model:
<model name="relatedItems"