Example Overview
This customization will introduce additional heavy customization on top of lightweight customization. In this section, we will customize the Part wizard to capture additional details of the new subtype AcmePart created in the topic Create a Part Subtype and also customize the New Part wizard to include a new custom step. For the purpose of this example, we have created a new layout “Create Acme Part Layout” under the subtype AcmePart.
The following soft attributes are added to this layout.
Carbon Footprint: Stores the values for carbon footprint.
SAP Variant: Stores the values for SAP variant.
Recyclable (Integer): Indicates whether the part is recyclable.
Repairable (Boolean): Indicates whether the part is reparable.
Thickness: Indicates the thickness of the part.
Acme part can be stored in the Windchill database. It supports basic “CRUD” operations (Create, Read (query), Update, Delete). Additionally, the Windchill user interface will be augmented to support CRUD operations against Acme part in the browser. Note that the Acme part example is not intended to be “complete”, nor is it an example of a practical customization. It merely demonstrates a simple Windchill customization.
This example uses the following artifacts: action and action model XMLs, XCONF, TableBuilder, DataUtility, FormProcessor, TableViews, ActionFilter, and JSPs. These artifacts are required to render wizard and wizard steps and custom JavaScripts.
The following user interface components will be created for an Acme part:
1. Create Acme Part and Edit Acme Part actions: Opens the respective wizard to create and edit Acme parts along with their custom attributes.
2. Acme Parts action: Displays Acme parts in a table.
3. Acme part information page: Displays additional details about an Acme part.
4. Delete action: Deletes the selected Acme parts.