Customization > Customization Tutorial > Tutorial Overview
Tutorial Overview
This tutorial illustrates a minimal configuration to create an environment in which you can create administrative objects (users) and business objects (attribute definitions, types, and subclasses) and test them as an end user by creating a container and part instances. This will give you an idea on working with Windchill products, and help you ensure that your customization environment is correctly configured.
This tutorial is intended for programmers that are not familiar with Windchill customization.
In this tutorial, you will perform the following tasks:
Set up and navigate a Windchill test system.
Define soft and modeled types.
Create instances of those types.
Performing these tasks shows that Windchill UIs adapt to new type and attribute definitions.
PDMLink standalone.
You are using Oracle for your database storage.
The system is installed, configured, and it runs. You know how to start and stop the system.
You have access to the system database instance and permission to create a new schema.
You can log in as the Windchill system administrator.
The system contains organizations that can be used for this tutorial.
1. As the system administrator, create an organization administrator and an end user.
2. As the end user, create a library and part instance.
3. Allocate database columns for local attributes.
4. As the organization administrator, create a reusable attribute definition and add it to the local part type.
5. As the end user, create a part instance which will include the new attribute.
6. As the organization administrator, create a part subtype and add a new local attribute to it.
7. As the end user, create an instance of the new part subtype.
8. Verify these steps by searching for instances of your parts.