Use Case 2: Creating Custom Business Rules
1. The business rule name and description attributes are supported for localization. To have a localized name and description, create JAVA resource file to define the names and descriptions of business rules. Following is an example of :

import wt.util.resource.RBComment;
import wt.util.resource.RBEntry;
import wt.util.resource.RBUUID;
import wt.util.resource.WTListResourceBundle;

public final class change2ClientResource extends WTListResourceBundle {

@RBEntry("Change Business Rule")
@RBComment("Name of Business Rule")
public static final String CHANGE_PRE_RELEASE_RULESET_NAME = "

@RBEntry("This rule determines if there are objects INWORK state")
@RBComment("Description for S CHANGE_PRE_RELEASE_RULESET_NAME ")
public static final String CHECK_OUT_VALIDATOR_RULE_DESC = "
For information, see the following updates:
2. Create an IXB load XML file.
Following are the business rule objects that use IXB load files :
a. BusinessRule.xml – A BusinessRule object holds the information about the rule to be executed. Each rule may have unique configuration requirements associated to it. A key and the container should be unique for creating BusinessRule objects.
Following is an example of BusinessRule.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE BusinessRule SYSTEM "standardX24.dtd">
<config name="key1" value="value1"></config>
<config name="key2" value="value1"></config>
<config name="key1" value="value2"></config>
b. BusinessRuleSet.xml - A BusinessRuleSet instance is the persistence configuration of a set of validation rules. It typically holds the rules that are configured to be executed for the container. A key and the container should be unique for creating BusinessRuleSet objects.
Following is an example of BusinessRuleSet.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE BusinessRuleSet SYSTEM "standardX24.dtd">
c. StateLink.xml - AObjectToObjectbinary link holding the references toBusinessRuleSetand Rules.
Following is an example of StateLink.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE BusinessRuleLink SYSTEM "standardX24.dtd">
3. Add the load files to a ZIP file. For example, add the above files in a ZIP file such as /configurations/loadFiles/custom/ixbImport/
4. Create an XML load file to load the generated ZIP file created in step 2 and copy it in /configurations/loadFiles/custom/BusinessRulesLoader.xml
Following is an example of BusinessRuleLoader.xml :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE NmLoader SYSTEM "standardX24.dtd">
<csvExecuteImport handler="wt.load.LoadImport.executeImport">
5. Create customLoader.xml to load the load file created in the previous step in the desired container.
Following is an example of BusinessRulesLoader.xml added in customLoader.xml :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE loadFileList SYSTEM "/wt/load/windchillLoad.dtd">
<loadFileList containerPath="/">
<loadFile title="Load custom Business Rules" localized="true" ...
filename="custom/ BusinessRulesLoader.xml"/>
6. Add an entry for this load file in /configurations/deploy.xml.
Following is an example of deploy.xml :
7. Specify module name in the descriptor.xml file within your module.
Following is an example of descriptor.xml:
The final package structure for adding BusinessRules will look like this:
└── BusinessRules
├── descriptor.xml
└── main
├── src
│ └── com
│ ├── org
│ └──
├── configurations
│ ├── deploy.xml
│ ├── loadFiles
│ │ └── custom
│ │ ├── ixbImport
│ │ └── customLoader.xml
│ │ └── BusinessRulesLoader.xml
│ │ └──