Additional Capabilities > Service Information Management > About Service Publishing > Publishing a PDF or Graphical Structure from a Parts List
Publishing a PDF or Graphical Structure from a Parts List
The list of prerequisites for publishing in Windchill+ is given below:
Windchill Service Parts must be installed.
A Parts List Information Element for a product must be set up and used in a publication structure.
Familiarity with the Parts List Editor page. For more information, see The Windchill Service Parts Structure tab.
A WVS SIS Worker must be set up. Refer to
A Windchill Visualization Services publishing rule must be set up.
If the content of a parts list referenced by a parts list information element is filtered with Options and/or Service Effectivity filters, only parts that meet the filter criteria are included when the parts list is published.
For information on publishing output support, refer to About Service Publishing.
For information on publishing setup, refer to Configuring Windchill Service Information Manager and Windchill Service Parts, available from the Help Center or the PTC Reference Documents site at:
In the Navigator pane, choose a Windchill Service Information Manager product that contains a parts list information element in a publication structure folder.
The instructions for publishing a Parts List Information Element depend on where the Parts List is being published.
Publishing from the Publication Structure tab:
1. Expand the product and open the Publication Structures folder.
2. On the Publication Structures page, choose a publication structure from the list and open it.
3. On the Publication Structures information page, choose the Structure tab.
4. Find a Parts List Holder Parts List content holder icon and select it.
5. From the Actions menu, choose Representation icon Publish Representation. The Publish Representation window opens.
6. In the Publish Representation. window, provide a Name and Description. Choose a Publishing Rule
and determine whether you want the representation to be the default.
7. Click Submit Publish Job.
Publishing from the Parts List Editor page:
1. Expand the product and open the Publication Structures folder.
2. On the Publication Structures page, choose a publication structure from the list and open it.
3. On the Publication Structures page, choose the Structure tab.
4. Find a Parts List Holder Parts List content holder icon and select it.
5. On the toolbar under Tools, expand the Open in icon Open in menu and choose Open Content in Parts List Editor.
6. On the Parts List page, right click to display the context menu and choose Representation icon Publish Representation. The New Representation window opens.
7. In the New Representation window, provide a Name and Description. Choose one of the following types:
Parts List Structure — Creates a PVZ representation of the parts list. Check Set as Default if you would like this to be the default representation that displays in the Details tab.
Published Parts List — Creates an output representation of the parts list based on the rule specified with Publishing Rule. If your Administrator has not set up publishing rules, PDF is chosen by default.
8. Click Next and choose the configuration specification.
Choose the configuration of the objects used in your object that you want published in your representation. If you want the most recent version, for example, choose Latest. For more information, see About Configuration Specifications.
9. When you are finished, click Submit Publish Job. A confirmation message displays stating that the job was submitted.
You can monitor the progress of your job through the WVS Job Monitor. To access the WVS Job Monitor, click the WVS Job Monitor link in the confirmation message.
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