Publishing a Service Product Hierarchy
A service product hierarchy is published separately from a service structure. PTC recommends that you publish a service product hierarchy to Arbortext Content Delivery before publishing related service structures. If you publish the service structures first, it may not be visible until you publish the service product hierarchy.
When you publish an incremental bundle for a service product hierarchy, only new or updated product instances are included in the incremental bundle. The bundle, however, contains the complete product hierarchy.
Product hierarchy is a custom model type, and publishing is enabled as part of the customization.
A publishing rule also needs to be set up for users to choose when they create a New Representation from the product hierarchy.
Metadata attributes can be configured for publishing in the
publishable_attset.xml. For more information, see
Defining Attribute Sets.
The publishing bundle for a service structure contains the relatedContexts.xml file, which defines the relationship between the service structure and the service product hierarchy. The file contains the following attributes:
• role
the subtype of the target product hierarchy node
• src
the URI of the source service structure root in the payload
• target
the URI of the product hierarchy or product hierarchy node that is the service effectivity context for the source service structure.
Publishing supports XML bundle publishing and XSL publishing output from a service product hierarchy.
Only graphics conversions and URI references are processed during publishing.
Additional Performance Configuration
If your site manages large number of product instances, you may need to add the following properties to configure the performance of the publishing process.
1. The following properties are located at <Windchill>/codebase/com/ptc/arbortext/windchill/publisher/xconf/ Configure the properties to the required values, in the following order.
a. com.ptc.arbortext. windchill.publisher.processPIs.inBatch — Determines whether the publishing process occurs in batches. When set to false, the default, the product instances are not processed in batches. Set to true to process product instances in batches.
b. com.ptc.arbortext.windchill.publisher.processPIs.BatchSize — Determines the number of product instances processed in a batch. The value depends on the data size and available heap memory. PTC recommends that you retain the default value.
2. Run xconfmanager –pF.
3. Restart Windchill+.
The property com.ptc.arbortext.windchill.publisher.includeOptionSetOfPIContext determines whether the option set is included in the published bundle for a product instance. Add the property in <Windchill>/site.xconf file and perform steps 2 and 3. The default is true.
When set to false, PTC recommends that you add the com.ptc.arbortext.wvs/UseApexExpression rule to the publishing rule file. Set the value of the rule to true to allow conversion of option choices associated with a product instance to the APEX format.
<Property name="com.ptc.arbortext.windchill.publisher.includeOptionSetOfPIContext" overridable="true" targetFile="codebase/" value="false"/>
When set to true, the related option set of the product instance is included in the published bundle. This degrades performance since it checks each product instance to see if there is a related option set. PTC recommends that you set the property value as false, if you do not have option choices assigned to product instances.