Bundle Publishing Output
The file sent from WVS to Arbortext Publishing Engine is called a payload, which contains the content to be processed by Arbortext Publishing Engine. When Arbortext Publishing Engine processes the payload, the format of the output that is published for use by Arbortext Content Delivery is called an XML or XSL bundle.
A bundle requires that the output type and parameters to be applied during publishing are specified in a publishing rule selected by the user. For more information, see Creating Service Publish Rules and Service Worker Parameters.
The XML bundle is specified in a publishing rule as output="xmlbundle". The XML bundle publishing process produces content in XML.
For information on XSL bundle, see UsingXSL Bundle Publishing Output.
Information on how Arbortext Content Delivery uses bundles is provided in its documentation.
An XML bundle contains a variety of files. One such file is the partThumbnails.zip file that contains thumbnail graphic images of parts. Thumbnail graphic images are published as THUMBNAIL, THUMBNAIL_SMALL, THUMBNAIL3D and PVZ files.
Each part, that is referenced in a bundle, can have many representations. When the default representation of a part is published, the partThumbnails.zip may include the THUMBNAIL, THUMBNAIL_SMALL, and PVZ files with roles assigned to them, respectively. Using the thumbnailRole publishing parameter, you can specify which role is to be included in the partThumbnails.zip.
You can also choose to specify which thumbnails to include in partThumbnails.zip using the PartResources publishing parameter. This publishing parameter allows you to specify multiple thumbnail roles, as well as the components of a PVZ file that should be included.
Both parameters handle the special PVZ value. For thumbnailRole, the default representation is zipped into a PVZ file which is used as the thumbnail of the part. When the value is a role, the thumbnail matching the specified role is put in the partThumbnails.zip. For PartResources, you can specify multiple roles and PVZ components when used in combination with the PvzFilter parameter.
When thumbnailRole and PartResources parameters are set, the contents of partThumbnails.zip are the product of processing both parameters.
You can publish the default representation, of a content holder of an information element to the XML bundle for use as a thumbnail in Arbortext Content Delivery. Arbortext Content Delivery supports thumbnails in PNG, JPG, and JPEG file formats.
After the thumbnail is published, the default representation is available in the reps folder of the XML bundle. The metadata is available in the DMPmap.xml file. You can only publish the default representation of content holders for information elements.
To publish the default representations of content holders for information elements , add the rule includeContentHolderReps to the publishing rule file.
<worker name="com.ptc.arbortext.wvs/includeContentHolderReps">true</worker>
To publish representations, specify the value of the rule as true. When set to false, the default, the representation is not published in the XML bundle.
For information about the content of payloads, refer to Payload and Manifest
The bundle file can contain a variety of files and a manifest. For information about the content of payloads, refer to Payload and Manifest in Customizing Windchill Service Information Manager and Windchill Service Parts.
Setting the Service Effectivity Data Format
By default, for bundles version 2.2 and earlier, service effectivity data is stored in the payload in manifest.xml as several properties of the target’s Object element. For example:
<Object uri=...">
<Metadata id="ServiceEffectivity_183695" source="...">
<Property token="thePersistInfo.updateStamp">
<Value>2016-06-121 18:12:44.0</Value>
<Property token="beginDateRange">
<Value>2016-06-21 00:00:00.0</Value>
<Property token="thePersistInfo.modifyStamp">
<Value>2016-06-21 18:12:44.0</Value>
<Property token="effTarget">
<Property token="effectivityType">
<Property token="effContextReference">
<Value ref="x-wc://3f81b557fbc1da98:wt.part.WTPartMaster:0000000003"/>
Alternately, you can choose to store service effectivity data in APEX format. To do so, set the useApexServiceEffectivity property to “true” in the Windchill site.xconf file as follows:
<Property name="com.ptc.arbortext.windchill.publisher.toggle.
useApexServiceEffectivity" overridable="true" default="true" />
Setting the useApexServiceEffectivity property to “true” stores the effectivity data in APEX format in the first Metadata element of the target’s Object element. For example:
<Object uri=...">
<Metadata id="EPMDocument_183639" source="...">
<Property token="ServiceEffectivity">
<Value>(AND (PRODUCT 'x-wc://3f81b557fbc1da98:wt.part.WTPartMaster:0000000003')
(DATE_RANGE '2015-12-01 00:00:00.0' ''))</Value>
Be aware that the following properties will not appear in the APEX format:
The value of the effTarget property is the same as the id attribute of the Metadata element where the APEX Service effectivity data resides. The thePersistInfo.updateStamp and the thePersistInfo.modifyStamp properties do not appear in the payload.
To use APEX-formatted effectivity data with bundle version 2.2, you must set useApexServiceEffectivity to “true”. For bundle versions later than 2.2, APEX-formatted effectivity data is the default. For those versions, set useApexServiceEffectivity to “false” to avoid using APEX formatted effectivity data.
Parts List Illustration Post Published Content
The post-published content can be included in an XML bundle. The partListIncludeAllPostPublish parameter must be set to true to include all post-published content for the bundle. When set to false, the default, the post-published content is not included in the bundle. To set the partListIncludeAllPostPublish parameter to true, the partListImageSource parameter must be set to postPublishOnly or preferPostPublish.
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