Viewing and Sending Server Information
Included in the status is the number of current active users on your system, and the status details for all server manager, method server, and servlet engine processes.
In addition to viewing server status from the Server Status page, you can choose to collect system information that then can be sent to PTC Technical Support. Clicking the System Configuration Collector link opens the System Configuration Collector page. If you have an open call with PTC Technical Support and the property in the file is set with your service contract number (SCN), you can use the System Configuration Collector page to send your server status information directly to PTC Technical Support. From the page, you can gather, save, and send system information. For details, see .
The System Configuration Collector link and the much of the functionality provided by the Monitoring Tools link are only available to those users who are in the site Administrators group or are listed in the wt.util.jmx.AccessUtil.siteAdministrators property. Initially, only the administrative user specified during installation (by default, wcadmin) is a member of the Administrators group.
For details on the prerequisites for sending information, the different ways to send the information, and options that are available for where to send the information, see
Sending System Information to Technical Support.