Selective Access to Monitoring Pages
Windchill organization administrators have access to the following Monitoring Tools pages by default (as well as the Monitoring Tools index page itself):
Log Levels
You can change verbosity of loggers from your customizations here. The verbosity of loggers used by Windchill or bundled third-party libraries cannot be changed.
Log Comment
Log File Viewer
Persisted Log Events
Log Event Histogram
Method Context and Servlet Request Samples
Top SQL Sample Intervals
You can tailor this access to meet your needs as follows:
Remove the default access given to all organization administrators to these pages.
Add access to specific selected users.
Configurations for Selective Access
You can alter and configure the default access by modifying the file entries mentioned here as per your access requirements:
wt.util.jmx.AccessUtil.ignoreOrgAdmins entry in — If the value is “false” (by default), all Windchill organization administrators have the access. You can stop granting access to all organization administrators by setting this entry value to “true”.
wt.util.jmx.AccessUtil.siteMonitors entry in — Specific additional users listed here are granted access to the Monitoring Tools pages (whether or not they are organization administrators).
For more details, see Using the Log File Viewer Page.
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