Specialized Administration > Site Maintenance > Viewing Queue Information
Viewing Queue Information
Click the queue information page icon from a background queue row in the Queue Management table to view its attributes and queue entries. Alternately, you can select the row and select View Information from the right-click actions menu.
From the information page, you can view the queue attributes and view all queue entries associated with the queue. You can also edit queue attributes, and delete and reset queue entries from the page.
Queue Attributes
Below is a list of the queue attributes that you can view from the Details tab on the queue information page:
Descriptions of Queue Attributes
Displays the name of the queue. You cannot change the name of a queue.
Displays the type specified for the queue: Process, Schedule, or Pool. You cannot change the type of a queue.
Indicates the status of the queue: Started or Stopped. You can change the status of a queue by using the right-click row menu or by selecting the queue row and clicking the start icon or the stop icon.
Indicates whether the queue is enabled or disabled.
Displays the group to which this queue is assigned. If the queue is not explicitly assigned to a group, Default displays in the Group field.
Polling Interval
Specifies how frequently the queue service checks for unprocessed queue entries. Polling is a safety mechanism only, as all queues are event driven. Some polling intervals are set programmatically through the software and editing the polling interval is no longer available from the Edit window.
Administrators should not change the out-of-the-box polling interval value set for a specific queue.
Total Entries
Identifies the total number of queue entries currently in the queue.
Severe/Failed Entries
Shows the number of entries in the queue that have a status of either Failed or Severe.
Waiting Entries
Indicates how many entries are waiting to execute.
Failure Retries
Specifies the number of times a failed queue entry will be retried. In most cases, 3 is reasonable.
Suspend Duration
Indicates the time interval between each retry. That is, indicates the time taken, in seconds, to suspend the queue between the specified number of retries.
Any entries that were in the queue, but had not executed, remain in the queue with the status of Ready. After the suspension time elapses, queue entry processing resumes.
Suspend Until
Displays the suspension end time for a queue in the suspended status. If the queue has not been suspended, the time is listed as N/A.
To change attributes values, select the Edit action from the Actions menu at the top of the page.
The following actions are available from the Actions menu at the top of the page:
Starts the execution of entries that are in the queue.
This action is only available when the queue is enabled and the status is Stopped.
Stops the execution of entries that are in the queue.
This action is only available when the queue is enabled and the status is Started.
Establishes that the queue can be started manually (using the Start action) and that it automatically starts the next time you restart Windchill.
This action is only available when the queue is disabled.
Establishes that entries in the queue do not execute and that the queue does not automatically start the next time you restart Windchill.
This action is only available when the queue is enabled.
Opens the Edit window.
Deleting a queue is no longer available from the Actions menu.
Queue Entries Table
The Queue Entries table lists all entries currently in the queue. The table columns provide details about each entry. When managing the entries in a queue, the Status column provides valuable information.
To group all entries with the same status, sort on the Status column.
Each entry in a background queue corresponds to a processing task that then has a status. The entry status can be one of the following:
Corresponds to the initial status of the task. Only entries with the Ready status are waiting to execute. How they are processed depends on the queue type.
Indicates that an entry has been selected for execution. From the Executing status, the entry goes to either the Completed or the Failed status.
Indicates that the task was successfully executed. If these entries are not automatically deleted, you should purge queues of Completed entries so that the size of a queue does not exceed the storage capacity of the database.
Indicates that an error occurred during execution. You can purge queues of Failed entries so that the size of a queue does not exceed the storage capacity of the database.
Indicates that the queue entry has been executed and automatically rescheduled.
Indicates that an unexpected problem occurred when the entry was executing. If desired, the queue can be configured to suspend itself for a short interval when this sort of problem occurs. You can use the Suspend Duration field on the Edit window to specify the length of the suspension.
Regular queue maintenance is important for system performance. Failed and severe entries can accumulate, resulting in large queue tables and poor queue performance. View failed and severe entries on a regular basis to decide if failed entries should be deleted and if severe entries should be either deleted or reset to Ready.
By default, completed tasks are deleted from the queue; however, if the wt.queue.removeCompleted property is set to retain them, delete completed entries manually as part of your regular maintenance.
From the Queue Entries table, you can reset or delete queue entries.
To reset one entry, right-click the entry row and select Reset from the actions menu.
To reset multiple queue entries, use the following procedure:
1. Select the queue entries that you want to reset by selecting the check box at the beginning of the corresponding rows.
2. Click the reset icon or right-click and select Reset from the actions menu.
This action has no effect on queue entries that are already set to the Ready status.
To delete one entry, right-click the entry row and select Delete from the actions menu.
To delete multiple queue entries, use the following procedure:
1. Select the queue entries that you want to delete by selecting the check box at the beginning of the corresponding rows.
2. Click the delete icon or right-click and select Delete from the actions menu.
If you fail to delete entries from the queue manually, queuetasks may exhaust the storage capacity of the database.
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