Export a Project as a Template
You can create a new template from the current project or program by selecting Export as Template from the Actions list on the Details page or the Project or Program table. Selecting this option opens a new window from which you can select options to include in the template.
When exporting a classic project as a template, it is recommended to use a naming convention that includes “classic” in the template name so that users are aware that projects created from that template are classic projects.
If your project includes multiple plans, only the default plan is included in the Export as Template action.
If you choose to export plan information, the team information is automatically included in the export whether you select it or not.
Your scheduled synchronization selections are automatically included in the new template. These options are only available for projects and to users with Windchill PDMLink installed alongside Windchill ProjectLink.
If your project plans contain subplans, the subplan references are not included in the template.
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