Basic Administration > Managing User Participation > Participant Administration > Working with Participants > Managing Groups > Editing a Group Using the Participant Administration Utility
Editing a Group Using the Participant Administration Utility
By editing a group from the Participant Administration utility, you can modify the details about the group, the members in the group, and the groups of which this group is a member. You cannot edit the context associated with a group.
Groups can be members of teams. If the edits are made to a group in Windchill, the teams' memberships will be refreshed with the updates later via scheduled update processing. If edits are made to a group in LDAP, the teams’ memberships must be updated using the Recompute group action in the right-click actions menu.
To edit one or more groups, use the following procedure:
1. Select Edit from the right-click actions menu corresponding to the row of the group to be edited.
The right-click actions menu for a group from the Participant Administration table.
The Actions menu on the group information page.
2. In the Edit Group window, change the necessary information in the Set Attributes step.
The Domain field is the only field that can be edited for groups that are owned by a read-only directory server.
If the "Allow entire user and group directory selection" checkbox is not selected when the organization is created or edited, searching for participants (users, user-defined groups, or organizations) in other organizations is not allowed. For more information, see Searching for Users and Groups.
The following fields may be edited:
Name of the group. The group name must be unique in the current context.
Group name cannot contain the following characters: #, /, >, \, and <.
It is recommended that apostrophes be avoided in the group name.
This is a required field.
Description of the group
Directory Server
Identifies the directory server in which the group directory entry resides. The drop-down list displays all of the established servers. You can put groups in any established directory server.
Read-only directory servers are not displayed in the list.
You can establish directory services by setting up JNDI adapter entries through the Info*Engine Property Administrator and adding the adapter entries to the property value.
Domain to which the group is associated. A domain is an administrative area that defines a set of administrative policies, such as access control, indexing, and notification. Objects associated with a domain are subject to its policies.
Click Find to open the Find Domain window and navigate to the domain that you want to select.
If you do not enter a domain in this field, Windchill determines which domain to set according to the domain algorithm that is in place. For information about domains, seeAbout Domain Administration.
If you edit the existing value in the Group Name field, you are renaming the group. See Renaming a Group.
3. Group members can be edited in the Add Members step.
To add members, click the add group to table icon . Enter values in the search criteria fields and click Search. Select the desired groups and click Add, then click OK. For more information, see Editing Group Members.
To remove members, select the checkbox in front of the member you want to remove and click the remove selected object icon .
4. Group assignments can be edited in the Assign to Groups step. Navigate between steps by clicking the step name or by clicking Next.
To add group assignments, click the Add group to table icon . Enter values in the search criteria fields and click Search. Select the desired groups and click Add, then click OK. For more information, see New Group — Assign to Groups.
To remove group assignments, select the checkbox in front of the profile you want to remove and click the remove icon .
5. The group’s profile assignments can be edited in the Assign to Profiles step. Navigate between steps by clicking the step name or by clicking Next.
To add profile assignments, click the add profile to list icon . Enter values in the search criteria fields and click Search. Select the desired profiles and click Add, then click OK. For more information, see New Group — Assign to a Profile.
To remove profile assignments, select the checkbox in front of the profile you want to remove and click the remove icon .
6. When you are satisfied with your changes, click Finish.
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