Versioning Scheme Properties
The versioning scheme summarized in the preceding
overview is a Harvard series. A Harvard series is made up of one or more subseries and is typically depicted as a stream of values delimited by a dot (for example, A.1, BB.1, 1.A, 55.A, and so on).
These properties are described in the following topics:
• wt.series.MulticharacterSeries Properties
• wt.series.IntegerSeries Properties
Additionally, there are topics on creating a new versioning scheme with an
additional multicharacter series.
You can also
accommodate legacy characters in your versioning scheme.
wt.series.MulticharacterSeries Properties
The default multicharacter series is defined in, as follows:
These properties specify the alphabetical series summarized in the
overview (for example, A, B, ..., Z; AA, AB, ..., AZ; AAA, AAB, ..., AAZ). You can change these defaults by editing the properties using the
Configurations/xconf/ file.
wt.series.IntegerSeries Properties
The default integer series is defined in, as follows:
These properties specify an integer series that starts with 1, increments by 1, and goes to a maximum of 2147483647. You can change these defaults by editing the properties in the Configurations/xconf/ file.