About Publishing Associated Assigned Expressions
Expressions can be assigned to process plans, operations, sequences, resources, parts, and their associated link objects. ERP Connector supports publishing of all these assigned expressions from Windchill+. When ESI Options and Variants Integration is installed, configurable BOMs, process plan, resource structures are published along with their associated assigned expressions.
While publishing BOMs, process plans, or resource structures with expressions, note the following points:
• To send the associated assigned expression in the ESI response, set the value of the Publish Assigned Expression when Publishing an Object attribute to Yes. The default value for this attribute is No.
• Expressions are treated as intrinsic to process plans or resource structures while publishing. If an expression cannot be published, the application treats it as failed publishing for the respective structure component.
• Expressions assigned directly to process plans, operations, sequences, resources, or parts are not published along with these objects. Such expressions are published along with the respective structure only.
• Expressions assigned to process plans, operations, sequences, resources, or parts and their associated links are published as separate expressions in the ESI response.
• Both basic and advanced expressions are published in the form of logical expressions.
• The saved filter associated with the distribution target is used to determine the correct version of the independent assigned expression for publishing.
• All assigned expressions associated with the top-level part and its children are included in the ESI response. This happens even if some of these expressions are not valid in the context of the top-level object in the structure with the currently assigned option set. For example these expressions may not be valid for configurable BOMs, process plans or resources.
• You can publish an object with assigned expressions where the option set was published previously. Any update to the option set is sent using the settings on the distribution target.
• To start publishing without an alias, set the property com.ptc.windchill.esi.AllowPublishingWithoutAlias to Yes.
◦ Expression will have alias information embedded in the expression string in the ESI response.
◦ Publishing does not get blocked if an alias exists in the expression.
• Assigned expressions can have embedded Java function calls in Windchill.
◦ You can set the property com.ptc.windchill.esi.AllowPublishingWithoutJavaFunction to Yes to start publishing.
▪ Expression will have Java function information embedded in the expression string in the ESI response.
▪ Publishing does not get blocked if Java functions exist in the expression.