Customization > Debugging
This section describes how to activate and use the jcaDebug logging.
Using jcaDebug
To enable the JCA debug feature, simply add “&jcaDebug=true” to the URL of a Windchill page displayed in the browser’s address field, as described below. You can enable jcaDebug from Customization > Tools > jcaDebug.
Content Area
To put jcaDebug output on the content area of the page, put the parameter at the end of the URL, using the ampersand. For example:http://<server>/Windchill/app/#ptc1/tcomp/infoPage?typeIdForTypeLoo...&jcaDebug=true
Entire Shell
To put jcaDebug output on the entire Windchill page, including the Navigator and header, put the jcaDebug parameter before the # token. Use a “?” since it becomes the first parameter. http://<server>/Windchill/app/?jcaDebug=true#ptc1/tcomp/...
Once added, the jcaDebug parameter will automatically be applied to all subsequent Windchill pages. To turn off the feature, remove the jcaDebug parameter from the URL of the current page.
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