Guidelines to Handle Unit Test Failure
This section provides an overview of guidelines to handle unit test failures.
• The build logs and test execution logs provide the required information about the errors or issues in the test build and execution processes. If a test reports an error or failure, then check the stack trace provided in the index.html report file located at the <WT_HOME>\buildlogs\customizationLogs\UnitTest\<moduleName>\TestExecutionReport directory. Also check unit test execution logs located at the <WT_HOME>\buildlogs\customizationLogs directory and take corrective action as per the stack trace. Even verify the mock unit test along with the source code.
• If you see the error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/hamcrest/SelfDescribing while executing the test.unit target, then it is due to missing hamcrest.jar file in the <WT_HOME>\lib directory. Make the required test dependency available and re-execute the test.
• If you see the error Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing: <WT_HOME>\lib\jacocoagent.jar while executing the target, then it is due to missing jacocoagent.jar file in the <WT_HOME>\lib directory. Make the required test dependency available and re-execute the test.
• If you see the error Error: Unable to access jarfile <WT_HOME>\lib\jacococli.jar while executing the target, then it is due to missing jacococli.jar file in the <WT_HOME>\lib directory. Make the required jar file available and re-execute the test.
• If you see the error package org.junit does not exist while executing the compile.test target, then it is due to missing junit.jar file in the <WT_HOME>\lib directory.